舞台芸術集団 地下空港が映像のサブスクサービスをスタートさせます。
名前は UGA – KIMBERLITE=キンバーライト。ダイヤモンドなどの原石が埋まる特殊な地層の名前です。
A musical play about a secret garden in the deep valleys of Yoshino, from the end of the Kamakura era to the Nanbokucho era.
The immersive performing arts production featuring AI and "Midsummer Nights Dream" in 2017.
所属俳優の田代絵麻(たしろえま)が渡伊し、舞台芸術作品『La POETICA della HUMANA
Read More地下空港初の短編映画『凪の一日』、そして移動参加型演劇『Were Born /
Read More舞台芸術集団 地下空港が映像のサブスクサービスをスタートさせます。
名前は UGA – KIMBERLITE=キンバーライト。ダイヤモンドなどの原石が埋まる特殊な地層の名前です。
Underground Airport was established by Yasuro Ito in 1999, while he was a student at ICU (International Christian University). So far we have created 23 plays, musicals, and immersive theatre.
Our creative concept is to let the audience discover the deep and hidden aspects of human beings and society through a theatrical “journey”, in which we create fables utilizing aspects from social science, analytical psychology and myths from all over the world. We hope to offer you a new kind of “culture shock” through our productions.